Monday, November 19, 2007
New (old) Couches
Yeah baby! Okay, so this takes us back a bit, to at least the 70s, but hey, I really like them! This lady is getting all new furniture, so she gave us her entire set- couch, loveseat, coffee table, two end tables, and two lights. She saw them in a store window in 1975! She liked the arrangement, so she bought the whole thing on the spot. haha. But I love how nice she kept them for over 30 years....
And I love these two boys....
And you can see part of the beautiful tableau Jarem set up for me! We had a great argument (about, what else- our parents and how we were raised right and the other person was raised wrong- that's pretty much the only thing we fight about each time- I like fights :), and Jarem felt badly while I was in choir practice he went out and got MY tree- the one I had been lusting after for ages! And he got a lamp to go along with it...hmm, I think we have a better picture of it somewhere...I'll ask Jarem. Anyway, needless to say that when I got home my mouth dropped open and I was almost crying. It is beautiful, and he did all that with a baby in tow. Wow. Now we're ready for Christmas!
Oh, by the way, see those amazing paintings on the wall behind the couch? Those are originals! And nope, you can't have them. Wayne Madsen, our super talented friend, gave those to us, and I know it's bad lighting to showcase them, but seriously, you'll all have to come up and visit just so you can see how cool they are. I love real art.
Posted by
10:42 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Holy Cow
Okay, I knew you guys wouldn't believe this, so I had to whip out the camera quickly and take pictures of Ari PULLING himself up on Jarem's chair!!! Unfortunately, I was a little late....but I got the big smiles right as he stood and he knew he had accomplished something SO COOL.
Posted by
11:20 PM
Halle's baby blessing!
Posted by
11:08 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
Great Quotes and Utah Pictures
Some great quotes people just sent me:
Dear Abby,
A couple of women moved in across the hall from me. One is a middle-aged gym teacher and the other is a social worker in her mid twenties. These two women go everywhere together and I've never seen a man go into or leave their apartment. Do you think they could be Lebanese?
Dear Abby,
What can I do about all the Sex, Nudity, Fowl Language and Violence on my VCR?
Dear Abby,
Our son writes that he is taking Judo. Why would a boy who was in a good
Christian home turn against his own?
Posted by
8:52 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Smith Rock
We went on a short trip 3 hours south to Smith Rock- and we took almost the whole family (minus the cat, who obviously doesn't enjoy car trips). Beautiful area, lots of fun dragging a stroller around the dirt. Should've hooked up the dogs and done a sleigh ride type thing. haha.
Posted by
11:33 AM
Sara says:
Here is the new Frye Family blog! This is to replace our website, which Jarem needed to take down for more space on his server. And blogs are free! Thanks Elizabeth.
Jarem says:
Why “Desperate House Fryes?” Well, it’s not because we’re fans of the show Desperate Housewives. Neither one of us has ever seen that show, or ever plan to. We are a ‘home business/stay at home mom/born at home baby’ family, who fill their days with anything but being at home.
A typical day for us often includes a trip to the UPS Store to ship mechanical body parts to places like Washington DC, England, Japan, Latvia, Czech Republic, France and Norway; then to the chiropractor 45 minutes away, some shopping while we’re out near Target, 45 minutes back (stop by the machine shop on the way to pick up more prosthetic parts) run to Lowes to pick up fencing materials, get back home, put Ari down for a nap, squeeze in a 40-mile bike ride to train for upcoming events from Portland to Sun Valley to Connecticut and Orlando (oh ya, and Norway next year), pick up the mail since they don’t deliver to our home, take the dogs for a walk, go to young mens/young womens (on the one night Sara doesn’t have choir, visiting teaching or leadership meetings, and I don’t have home teaching, haven’t been asked to go to Portland –over an hour away- to give a blessing, we don’t have a dinner appointment or babysitting).
A non-typical day may substitute acupuncture for chiropractor, add a massage, picking up office supplies, sending promotional DVDs out, taking the dogs to the dog park (an hour away) shopping again (because we never seem to get everything we need in one trip) visits to the bank to straighten things out they messed up, Ari’s checkups, volunteer work at the birthing center, trips to the eye clinic day after day for months, dropping off a meal for someone in the ward, dinner with friends or sometimes a party, and the list really does go on.
People will think I’m making all this up, but as my mom can attest from asking “what’s up with you guys today” often enough, any one day really is this crazy.
So, for a ‘home business/stay at home mom/born at home baby’ family, we are pretty desperate just to get a little time at home! We have to. We have the carpet guy coming to give us a quote, an insurance salesman, home teachers, visiting teachers, another party Sara announced (without telling me I would be making all the food), a graphic design appointment, the lawn needs to be mowed, the cat needs to be fed, Sara needs to make calendars for young womens, I need to build a fence, a doghouse and eight more knees, weed the yard, clean up everything the dogs have destroyed and make list of what we need to go into town to replace…
It’s a vicious cycle. Welcome to the Desperate House Frye’s blog.
Posted by
10:53 AM